Formação de Professores de Permacultura – Em inglês

Internationally recognized teacher training created by Rosemary Morrow


– The Training Permaculture Teachers (TPT) Course curriculum, presented by a diverse, experienced teaching team, and course certificate.

– A placement opportunity for extra practical experience, by participating as part of the facilitation team of one of Projecto Novas Descobertas courses at choice.

– Vegetarian, ethically sourced food from our own production and local sources: 3 meals daily, plus snacks and tea/coffee during breaks.

– Access to our venue’s facilities, including the prepared & shaded camping areas, hot showers, indoor bathrooms and dining hall, as well as WiFi, charging stations, course library, tools and didactic materials.


October 20th – 26th 2022
There will be optional meals to facilitate arrivals and departures, please confirm in your registration form.

Starts: October 20th at 9:00 am, optional arrival dinner on the afternoon of October 19th.

Ends: Certificate ceremony on the night of 26th, followed by optional dinner, party and “No Talent Show”. There will be an optional breakfast available the next morning for people joining the clean up team.


9:00 to 13:00 and 14:00-18:00
Evening Sessions – Optional




580 € Full Tuition
(food & camping included)

360 € Local Tuition
(non-residential, lunches only)

Scholarships and work exchanges available, for more details please send email to:


Campo do Vale
Quinta Vale da Lama
Odiáxere – Lagos

Tel: (+351) 926681773
(Chamada para a rede móvel nacional)


Training Permaculture Teachers (TPT) is an international teachers training course offered in English and organised by Projecto Novas Descobertas. The course will be available to PDC holders from any country.

Join permaculture teachers Patricia Pereira and Hugo Oliveira for seven days of intensive training that will provide you with an invaluable toolkit to use in regenerative learning contexts. This course will include the invaluable contribution of Alfred Decker with online masterclasses, Q&A sessions and mentoring opportunities.

Together they will facilitate internationally renowned teacher Rosemary (Rowe) Morrow’s TPT course, which draws on her decades of permaculture teaching experience. Whether you are already a teacher, or thinking of becoming one, the TPT training makes teaching a transformative and fun exchange.
This course will focus on practical skills and opportunities to facilitate learning, providing real opportunities for teaching and learning. It also includes the possibility for a placement with our teams in next programs and courses.

TPT is designed for those who want to teach based on participatory learning methods. The course will help participants to:
– Review the way they think about education
– Move towards a permaculture teaching career
– Empower others with life-changing skills
– Learn to pass on knowledge of permaculture theory and practice in ways that creates real change in their students and activates entire communities
– Make connections with an international community of permaculture teachers

This course is for PDC holders in any of the following fields…
…teachers and students of architecture, landscape design, school/community gardeners, local government community development officers, ecology and other disciplines including geography, regenerative agriculture and agroforestry as well as permaculture design. If you’re looking to do any type of sustainability or permaculture education/communication, this is the course you’ve been waiting for.


– Design short and long courses
– Develop clear course outcomes and ethics
– Adopt appropriate body behaviour and use nonviolent communication
– Prepare learning resources and use teaching aids effectively
– Organise classroom and learning environments
– Work with a broad range of people from different cultures and backgrounds
– Draw on strategies that promote thinking and integrate practical experience
– Deliver clear explanations and concepts
– Explain the structure and function of the Permaculture Design Course (PDC)
– Give engaging digital presentations
– Debrief, appraise, and apply other teaching techniques
– Work collaboratively in groups
– Practice teaching in a safe, supportive community of peers.

We require all participants to have completed a PDC anywhere in the world before the TPT begins.


– A teacher training certificate issued by the Permaculture Association of Britain;
– A new generation of permaculture teachers and doers for you to join!;
– A pack of digital teaching resources;
– Participants who subscribe to Permaculture Magazine receive a 30% discount on Permanent Publications books and free postage and packing for the UK;
– Option to buy a printed copy of Rosemary’s TPT Manual at the cost of printing (free download her)


Rosemary is known and loved worldwide as a permaculture teacher, practitioner, and activist. She has travelled the globe for four decades, often in countries shattered by war and disasters, sharing her passion for permaculture and social justice. Her belief is that access to useful knowledge is a basic human right.

Several years ago, Rosemary decided to focus on teacher training courses in order to have a “multiplier effect” believing that the bottleneck keeping permaculture from growing more rapidly is not a shortage of curriculum and experience, but rather a shortage of competent permaculture teachers. So she created this TPT course to give people the skills and confidence needed to take the big step from being a practitioner to becoming a teacher.

Her pragmatic and effective approach working with and being led by local people has created community-scale permaculture projects and outcomes across a broad range of environments from drylands in Ethiopia, to the wet tropics of Vietnam. She brings knowledge and experience to creating abundance, food security and successful sustainable farming models. She is the author of the Earth User’s Guide to Permaculture, the Earth User’s Guide to Teaching Permaculture, The Family Seedsaving Book, and A Good Home Forever.


Projecto Novas Descobertas is committed to EcoSocial Regeneration and Permaculture Ethics, it has been hosting international PDCs since 2008, Permaculture Teacher Trainings since 2011, youth leadership trainings since 1998, and yearly training of volunteers and interns.

We offer an experience of more than 25 years in group building, facilitation and non-formal education. We work with people of all ages and backgrounds to raise awareness, build capacity and to research best practices for facilitating learning on Regeneration and sustainability. Our deepest focus is on youth, youth leaders and learning communities as key elements of the next generation.

You will be immersed in an educational campus that includes almost daily school visits, workshops and internships. Plus we are based at Quinta do Vale da Lama, a Regenerative Organic Farm that manages around 40 hectares of land in Algave´s semi-arid climate.

We are aligned with the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration 2021/2030, in this sense we are devoting time and learning skills to act on our Bioregion.


You can get a sense of this course flow and content on by reading the TPT Manual (free download here), a teaching guide written by Rosemary Morrow based on her experience offering these teaching trainings.

Most daily routines are part of our campus and learning community culture, including daily morning circles for group agreements and housekeeping, evening for skills sharing and celebration and farm volunteering opportunities.

Our learning sessions will mainly focus on content in the morning allowing afternoons for group work, course design and teaching skills practice. There will also be online masterclass, Q&A sessions and mentoring opportunities.

Teaching Team

Alfred Decker
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Alfred Decker is an award-winning permaculture designer, a certified educator with the Permaculture Association of Britain, and one of Europe’s leading permaculture educators. Since his first PDC in 1998 in California, Alfred has been involved with social movements and projects throughout Europe and the Americas. He is the founder of the 12 Principles Permaculture Design consultancy, Permacultura Barcelona and the Forest Gardens project at Can Masdeu; is a co-founder of the Spanish Permaculture Academy (Academia de Permacultura Íbera); and was a member of the European Permaculture Teachers Partnership and the Permaculture Council of Europe. Alfred holds a post graduate diploma in sustainable architecture and renewable energy (Centre for Alternative Technology).
After taking this same TPT course with Rosemary Morrow in 2011, he undertook a two year mentorship and later co-facilitated six courses as her assistant, ultimately earning a Diploma in Permaculture Education & Community Development in 2013 through the Blue Mountains Permaculture Institute (Australia). Committed to furthering the TPT course that Rosemary developed, Alfred facilitated 7 more TPT courses as lead facilitator, co-edited the TPT manual, and organised a successful crowdfunding campaign to develop the platform. Rosemary has asked him to organise the TPT trainings in Europe.
Alfred lives at the Vidàlia housing cooperative near Barcelona, Catalunya (Spanish Territory) and is working to develop a permaculture educational centre there.

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Hugo Oliveira finds his peace in the reconnection with Nature. His curiosity and inquisitive mind lead him to study interconnected ways to integrate human settlements back to their healthy relationship with the natural surroundings. He’s a Co-founder & Regenerative Design Consultant @ OrlaDesign (, Landscape Ecologist & Researcher @ Center for Ecology Evolution and Environmental Change - University of Lisbon (
Holding an MA in Ecological Design Thinking from Schumacher College with the thesis “Being Reclaimed by the Land: The role of Landscapes in Transformative Learning” & completing his Ph.D. studies in Interdisciplinary Landscape Management @ the University of Évora, focussing on the Permaculture Movement in Portugal and its innovations towards landscape regeneration and climate change adaptation. He has been actively working with Permaculture as a designer, trainer, and researcher since 2006. Trained in Permaculture in Australia, Asia, and Europe, in living examples such as Crystal Waters, Auroville, Tamera, Wongsanit Ashram and Panya Project; and by mentors such as Max Lindegger, Rosemary Morrow, Patrick Whitefield, Rico Zook, Ethan Roland and others.
Since 2014, Hugo has worked directly with Quinta do Vale da Lama, giving consultancy and facilitating trainings related with Regenerative Landscape Design and Management.

Hugo Oliveira
Patrícia Pereira
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Patricia creates opportunities that enhance nature and its materials as the main resource in learning contexts. She participated in courses and experiences in the scope of Regenerative Education, Permaculture and Ecovillage Design in projects with several teachers.Has developed her professional path in environmental and regenerative learning, through community building and participatory facilitation.

Her experience with the Teaching Permaculture Teachers Course started in 2011 as a student, having the opportunity to co-facilitate with Rosemary Morrow mentorship at Quinta Vale da Lama - Portugal in 2013 and later again, in 2015 in Quinta Son Barrina - Mallorca both with Rosemary and Alfred Decker. This is the second TPT she will offer as part of this team. Every year since 2013, she facilitates the Novas Descobertas Training: Animation and Leadership for Regeneration, based on similar principles and flow.

She has been part of Projecto Novas Descobertas Association coordination and teaching teams since 2012. A Orla Design co-founder and facilitator developing initiatives that contribute to empower nature based patterns and regeneration.


This course is organized by PND in partnership with Quinta Vale da Lama, led by ORLA Design and 12P Permaculture Design.